Climate Services are elementary for building resilience and sustained socioeconomic growth, especially in the agriculture sector. The tanzanian policy and government acknowledged the importance of Climate Services for adaptation and started including and mainstreaming it into relevant tanzanian and transnational strategies as the NDC 2021, EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY CLIMATE CHANGE MASTER PLAN 2011-2031 and National Climate Change Response Strategy ( NCCRS 2021).
In the effort to comply with the global agreements for enhancing climate adaptation through early warning systems and disaster preparedness, Tanzania has formulated an eight-year national framework for climate services. ( Nationalframe Work for Climate Services(NFCS) 2018-2025 ) .The framework is aimed to facilitate the sustainable provision and consumption of climate services in planning and decision making to reduce threats of climate variability and change to the achievement of development goals. It is implementing the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) on a national level. The Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) reported recently on the implementation.
Building on that the National Climate Change Response Strategy ( NCCRS 2021) set further goals to improve and utilize climate services in Tanzania by 2026::
• At least 70% of conventional climate services and weather forecasts disseminated are downscaled to at least at district level by 2026
• At least 80% of smallholders have timely access to reliable and accurate climate services by 2026.
• At least 30% of the conventional weather forecasts and that of indigenous knowledge inform each other by 2026
The NCCRS 2021 also assigns a budget of 3 TZS Billion for achieving the setted goals for climate services. It is expected that climate services will be included into the upcoming latest version of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA).
In order to support and empower the implementation of climate services CAN TZ is asked to play a sound coordination role and platform for inclusive engagement. Therefore a National Coalition (NC) for Climate Services (CS) with multi-stakeholders is going to be established by CAN TZ. The NC will enable discussion, engagement that advocate for the delivery of climate services, especially for downscaling climate services and integrating indigenous knowledge. CAN Tz will develop together with stakeholders a national climate service interpretations guideline informed by indigenous local knowledge through organised local forecasters. The guideline shall help extension officers, CSOs and other stakeholder in interpreting weather and climate information from traditional forecasters and updates released by TMA into smallholders’ level of understanding for effective utilization. Translation of climate services in terms of simplified/local language, their meaning on livelihood activities and advice is important under this guideline for improving the wellbeing of smallholder families.
Therefore CAN TZ is in close exchange with Stakeholders, policymakers and users of climate services in order to provide in-depth analysis , policy briefings and recommendations to ensure the development of usable, downscaled, integrated climate services.
Here you can find the latest Policy Briefing on Climate Services form CAN TZ (March, 2020).