Our Focus Areas
Low Carbon
The development of our country should be supported by low levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Utilization of renewable energy sources can ensure that Tanzania meets its development targets at the same time enhance community and ecosystem resilience, create employments, ensured energy security and competitive economy.
Capacity Building
Capacity building and development is an important ingredient towards building a climate resilient society. It empowers individuals, likeminded organizations and the society at large to take informed actions important for mitigating and adapting to climate change. CAN Tanzania provide capacity building to communities, local government, decision and policy makers.
Sustainable Agriculture
We are increasing Tanzanian farmers, pastoralists and fisherfolks and their related livelihood activities´ capacities to produce food needed by the current society and industries in a sustainable manner. We create diversity to ensure resistance to climate change.
Water Resources
Extreme weather events such as prolonged droughts and floods pose challenges to water resources management and access in Tanzania. These challenges limit livelihood and economic diversification options hence creating unemployment and limiting climate resilience building. CAN Tanzania works to ensure water resource access and sustainable use.
Renewable Energy
Tanzania is blessed with abundant renewable energy sources (solar, hydropower, wind and bioenergy) and energy efficiency opportunities. However, renewable energy resources play less than 3% in the national energy mix. CAN Tanzania continues to work to ensure the provision of renewable energy in a decentralized manner which is a quicker means to address energy poverty and empowering the community compared to a centralized power plant system
Climate Financing
Climate financing from public and private sources is an important element to ensure medium and large-scale investments required to support mitigation and adaptation actions needed to address climate change. CAN Tanzania works to strengthen capacity and strategies important ensure sustainable finance and attracting global climate finance.
Gender Mainstreaming
Climate change affect resources important to support women and girls. It increases burdens and vulnerability on women by limiting options for livelihood diversification.But women hold knowledge and skills needed to address climate change. CAN Tanzania strive to ensure that women and girls are integrated in our projects and are given space to showcase solutions and their capacities are enhanced.
Climate Services
Provide important Climate Information on a local level to enhance capacity to adapt and built resilience against threats uprising form extreme weather and changing weather patterns
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About CAN-TZ
We dream about ensuring and realizing socio-economically powerful and climate resilient communities which take actions to mitigate climate change impacts whilst using natural resources wisely.
We strive for a fossil free world that allows every human-being, irrespective of gender and social-economic background, to live a carefree life.
We believe that decentralisation, capacity enhancement and knowledge transfer can contribute to resilient livelihoods that are threatened by climate change.
Through the power of every individual, we can transform societies into tolerant and equal entities that care for the health of our planet and make it sustainable.
Who We Work With
- Partners
- Communities