PUB: FEBRUARY 21, 2023
Call for Evaluation of a Solar Irrigation Project
Submit your offer for the final evaluation of our solar irrigation project in Hai District, Kilimanjaro Region.

We are looking for a consultant to evaluate our 2 year project on ENHANCING THE ROLE OF SOLAR IRRIGATION FOR POVERTY REDUCTION NEAR MT. KILIMANJARO PROJECT.

Download our Terms of Reference (ToR) here:

Please submit your bid according to the ToR until 27.02.2023 via e-mail to: , and

The evaluation should use transparent and collaborative methods that can answer the evaluation questions. The technical proposal should explain in detail how data will be collected, analyzed, and reported, such as through interviews and focus group discussions. The proposed approach will be discussed and agreed on during the inception phase. Similarly, the evaluation team should consider face-to-face as the default interview approach and only digital and/or telephone interviews where possible with relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to CAN Tanzania staff (managers and programme/project officers) involved in implementation and government officials and community beneficiaries.