A total of 1745 (808 women-46% and 937 men-54%) (which is 116%-target was 1500) smallholders (farmers, pastoralists and fisher folks) in 3 districts of Lushoto, Chalinze and Pangani and neighbour districts of Bagamoyo, Korogwe and Bumbuli have been trained using Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture and Fisheries (PICSAF) tool, registered and provided with climate services from Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA).
Now TMA is sending reliable local specific climate services to extension workers which they later use to support smallholders to build climate resilience within their livelihood activities
A total of 95 (64 men and 31 women (which is 100% target) extension officers (41% from local government and 59% from civil society organizations) from Pangani, Chalinze, Lushoto are integrating and upscaling climate service from TMA into the advices they give to smallholders or end users. Extension and environmental officers have also presented and discussed both climate services in management meetings at district levels.
In selected districts of Chalinze, Lushoto and Pangani, there is increasing awareness and knowledge on climate services by 69% (compared to surface knowledge from baseline study report). According to the evaluation report, the increase is due to shaped and informed advocacy, training materials and monitoring and engagement in coalition meetings.