Renewable Energies (RE) are key for a sustainable development in tanzania. In order to scale-up to 100 % RE reliable statistical data provides a important resource to analyze and strategize for a fossile-free future. Therefore we created the Statistical Data Hub to highlight and collect relevant statistics and resources on RE in tanzania:
Statistical data on RE and Energy in TZ:
Tanzania Mainland Energy Access and Use Situation Survey II (2020)
Access to electricity (Mainland TZ, 2020): 78.4 % [ + 11 % comparred to 2017]
Houshoulds connected to electrcity (mainland TZ, 2020): 37.7 % [+ 4,9 % comparred to 2017]
Main Sources of Energy for Lighting (2020): Electricity (36.3 %) & Solar (30.4 %)
Forecast Energy Demand 2044: 17611 MW
Forecast annual growth of Energy Demand: 11.7 % per year
Energy Mix (2019) : hydro 573.70 MW (36.64%), natural gas 892.72 MW (57.02%), liquid fuel, 88.80 MW ,(5.67%) and biomass 10.50 MW (0.67%)
Planned Energy Mix 2044: 5,690.4 MW (28.15%) of hydro; 6,700 MW (33.18%) of natural gas; 5,300 MW (26.24%) of coal; 800 MW (3.96%) of wind; 715 MW (3.54%) of solar; and 995 MW (4.93%) of geothermal of power generation
Electrical power generation(2019): 7.7 MW in 2020 on Mainland
National electricity grid length(2019): 5900 km
Resources on RE and Energy in TZ:
Report: 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY FOR TANZANIA (2017),UTF,Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF)
Report : Scaling-Up Renewables in Tanzania (2020)