Churches and fait-based organisations (FBO) can be key players for Scaling-Up- Renewable energies.
There is huge potential to scale up off-grid renewable electricity to boost the rural economy and youth
employment in Tanzania. Churches and other FBOs have for decades played an important role in facilitating
community transformation in Tanzania, targeting the rural majority and marginalised groups. This has
included linking energy access to other services, such as education, health and water. They are a critical
component of the country’s social fabric and well positioned to aid this transition of utilising renewable
solutions to end rural energy poverty in Tanzania.
FBO initiatives range from electrifying church buildings and other services linked to faith-based institutions,
such as schools and hospitals, to piloting projects and programmes. Examples include pioneering the
installation of small solar photovoltaic units in households and businesses, and training communities to
build energy-saving stoves with local and renewable materials. The socio-economic benefits of these
interventions to people’s livelihoods in rural areas, and the impacts of reducing energy poverty are
In the “Scaling-Up Renewables in Tanzania “ CAN TZ and the tearfund fcoused on challenges and opportunities for Tanzania, at a policy and community level, in
utilising its renewable energy potential in rural areas and the role FBO can play. It discusses opportunities and entry points for civil society, and particularly churches and other faith-based organisations (FBOs) to influence policy and practice. The report also highlights how FBOs are already spearheading community renewable energy initiatives in rural Tanzania and could, with targeted support from government and donors, scale up this
provision to further decrease rural energy poverty.
Download the full report here.