Published: FEBRUARY 08, 2022
During the latest climate conference (COP26) all nations emphasized again the urgency of scaling up action and support to enhance adaptive capacity, strengthen resilience and to reduce vulnerability to climate change. The Adaptation Gap Report of the UNEP revealed significant gap in adaption needed and implemented. It advocates for climate services (CS) as no-regret and loss cost option to enhance climate resilience. To implement and enhance CS in Tanzania the National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) coordinates and guides the development of CS. To support the implementation of the NFCS a stakeholder meeting was organized by the Climate Action Network Tanzania (CAN TZ). The meeting focus was on how to fast-track the implementation of the NFCS.
Prof. Henry Mahoo presented a case study from Luhsoto on how Indigenous Knowledge can be successfully integrated into Climate Services(Mahoo 2015). The best-practices and lessons-learnt from his research should inform the way-forward on climate services in Tanzania.
Indigenous Knowledge (IK) on weather forecasting is facing a number of serious challenges, that have to be adressed in order to utilize it for enhancing Climate Services (CS). It is observed that IK forecasters struggle with the loss of indicators, they use for predicting the weather.Due to climate change and other factors more and more biodiviersity is lost and threatened. IK relies highly on flaura & fauna observation. Another challenges IK forecasters are facing is the loss of IK and lack of transition of IK to younger generation.IK is mainly hold by elders and passed on oraly. The transition to younger generation is necessary to preserve IK. Addtional to the knowledge transfer gap the lack of documentation endanger the conservation of IK. IK is often undocumented which increase the risk of loose of IK. Passing on and documenting IK is partly further inhibited by wrongly associating IK with mystical beliefs. Some communities and faith-based organizations associate IK with witchcraft pratices, which harm the credibility of IK.
To tackel and overcome the challenges best-pratices of documentation and integration of IK can guide the way towards on-folding the full potential of IK for supporting climate resilience of the communities. Etablishing local indigenous forecast groups proofed to be a key factor for integrating IK into Climate Services. Three local IK forecasting groups were established by Mahoo et. al. in scope of there pilot study in 2015. The forcast groups drafted a consensus seasonal forecast in a participatory workshop in collaboration with TMA. To ensure the uptake of climate information a local climate information flow system was etablished in scope of the study of Mahoo et.al. Distribution channels of climate information where established, activating key stakeholders (e.g. churches,women groups, markets) and involving them in the information flow, to allow an easy access and uptake of climate information from smallholders.
Conculding this results in lessons-learnt that should be minded when designing innovative CS solution that succesfully leverage the potential of IK by integrating it into CS products. IK solutions should be designed with a bottum-up-approach. IK is highly diverse and embedded in complex local contexts. Therefore, a successful integration benefits form a bottom-up approach. The cooperation and co-production should emphasize the need of local communities and engage them form an early stage. Beyond a sufficent and suistanable budget is nessacry to built trusted long-term relationships and maintain IK forecaster groups. It is recommended to mainstream IK into budgets and policies. A budget for IK integration should be included into the District Agriculture Development Plans (DADP).