Published: FEBRUARY 15, 2022
This one -day workshop was the second but high-level participatory workshop on Pre-COP26 that brought together Government and coalition of CSOs active on climate change in the country. The first pre-COP 26 workshop took place in Morogoro from September 15-16, 2021 involving CSOs only with particular focus on development of CSO position towards COP26. Hence this 2nd joint government- CSOs Pre- COP 26 workshop took place on October 05, 2021 at Royal Village Hotel in Dodoma. It brought together a total 37 participants; 12 women and 25 men representing line government Ministries (i.e. Agriculture, Local government, and Environment), civil societies, and national media houses.
In line with the broader objectives of ensuring appropriate preparation for effective government and CSOs participation in the upcoming COP26, this workshop had the following specific objectives of the event were;
● To review the national position paper and integrate inputs from CSOs position paper into national position paper towards COP26.
● Enhance stakeholder awareness and buy in into the national position paper
● Agree on effective and practical mechanism for coordination between Government and CSOs during and after COP26.
This workshop has been able to achieve the following outcomes;
● Enhance the knowledge and understanding of UNFCCC processes and National initiatives in addressing climate change
● Enhancement of the national position paper towards COP26 negotiations
● Developed a network and enhanced collaboration among CSOs and the government officials
[image : Climate Action network empowering local youths for climate action and adaptation ]