Published: FEBRUARY 15, 2022
On 1st and 2nd March, 2021, CAN Tanzania in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and Vice president office (VPO) organized and conducted a two days’ workshop that intend to solicit stakeholders’ inputs and comments on the revised National Climate Change Strategy (NCCS) 2021 - 2026. This workshop was followed by two days technical meeting to incorporate review inputs and comments to the validated strategy document. Over seven years since development of the first National Climate Change Strategy 2012-2018, Tanzania embarked on various initiatives at a national level in line with other international agenda and actions. These includes, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, UNFCCC Paris agreement, SADC Protocol on Environmental Management for Sustainable Development, EAC Climate Change Master Plan (2011-2031), EAC Fifth Development Strategy (2016/17-2020/21), EAC 2050 Vision and East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Resolutions on Climate Change, establishment of EAC Climate Change Fund and Lake Victoria Basin (LVB) Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan, 2018 and Tanzania National Five Years Development Plan (NFYDP II). It was thus important to revise this strategy to reflect interventions as well as emerging current issues for a more conversant way of achieving national climate action.
The overall objective of the workshop was to revise and solicit new ideas and comments of the drafted National climate change strategy 2021-2026. Specifically, the workshop was held to ensure:
Increased inclusivity and participatory approach on the development process of the national climate change strategy. CAN Tanzania, realized contribution and a more diverse ideas could increase ownership and thus effective planning and implementation of strategic interventions captured in the strategy.
Realization of emerging and current technologies with a focus to realization of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) technologies as the large contributor to sustainable economic growth. Under this workshop, Renewable energy and energy efficiency application was undertaken as the economic enabler if well integrated into various development sectors country.
The CSOs and REME consultation meeting workshop was followed by the validation meeting conducted on 3rd March 2021. This meeting was organized by VPO where by sector ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) together with other stakeholders such as academic and research institutions took more time to revise validity of strategic intervention and implementation arrangements set in the drafted strategy. Of more important, Dr Sixbert Mwanga from CAN Tanzania presented solicited ideas and inputs from CSOs and REMEs consultation workshop held in previous two days’ workshop. Participating members in the validation meeting had time to reflect on the inputs while guiding way through to be integrated in the drafted climate change strategy.
It was thus, important to mobilize few participants from the stakeholder’s workshop and validation meeting to incorporate comments and ideas solicited during both the stakeholder’s consultation workshop and the validation meeting under VPO guidance. Thus, 18 participants from VPO (3), CAN Tanzania (5), CRDB (1), Malema Foundation (1), Pelum Tanzania (1), Mzumbe University (1), UNDP (3), WWF (1) and Care Tanzania (1) took more time in group sessions and plenary discussions to enrich the document. The focus was more on:
Incorporating inputs and new ideas from the stakeholders (CSOs and REMEs) workshop
Incorporating inputs and ideas from the Validation meeting conducted by VPO
Further stock taking on issues related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH),
Enhancing integration of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in development sectors, targeting an increased national planning and budgets on RE and EE technologies.
Revisit implementation arrangement and ensure practicable resource mobilization and climate financing systems.
Ensure a proper monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems that will reflect knowledge management and foster continuous improvement on climate action in the country.
To inspect and investigate more of the document ideas consistency, flow, substantive and editorial aspect for more furnished document prior final printing and launching.
After two days, a compiled strategy incorporating all relevant ideas and comments from stakeholders’ workshop and validation meeting was put forward. The technical team chairperson, Dr Manyika from VPO thanked the team for their technical and moral support in the process. He further asked for more support to ensure we continue cooperating until the strategy is printed and launched for use. In addition, he added that all stakeholders who took part in the process need to initiate interventions and various activities reflected in the strategy and that makes a start of implementing the drafted strategy. He further requested CAN Tanzania to mobilize more CSOs and other stakeholders in the country, and pioneer in raising awareness for the drafted strategy implementation.