Published: MARCH 22, 2022
The new policy brief outlines the importance of climate services (CS) and how the integration of indigenous knowledge (IK) can enhance climate services (CS) and hence strengthen Tanzanian communities' climate resilience. Tanzanian Coalition for Climate Services developed the policy brief (TCCS). The policy brief urges climate service actors to integrate IK for enhanced CS by establishing IK forecast groups, consensus-based forecasts, and local climate information flow systems.
Integrating Indigenous Knowledge (IK) to enhance Climate Services is a effective strategy to strengthen climate resilience of vulnerable communities. Indigenous Knowledge leverage the potential of CS and bridges existing gaps. CS with integrated IK can fast-track and up-scale the adaptation of smallholders to adverse impact of climate change.
The integration if indigenous knowlege (IK) into Climate Services (CS) is key to get downscaled and useable forecasts. Smallholder need the best-avialiable knolwedge as reliable climate information basis for decision-making on their livelihood activities. In our new Policy Brief we show why and how indigenous knowledge can be utilized in Climate Services for enhancing climate resilience.
Learn more about what politics, private sector and stakeholders have to do to unlock the potential of Climate Services with indigenous knowledge as key to downscaled and useable climate information. Explore our Policy Brief on Promoting Indigenous Knowledge.
What do we need to enhance Climate Services ?
Tell us what you think can fast-track the implementation of Climate Services in Tanzania.
What can your organization do to support integration of IK and help the implementation of CS country-wide ?
Access the policy brief here: