Published: AUGUST 22, 2022
We co-hosted together with TaTEDO and WWF Tanzania a consultative meeting to inform the National Energy Strategy the Ministry of Energy started to develop. The development of our RE strategy should be informed by the best available knowledge and science. We called CSOs to share their knowledge and expertise to review and reflect the Renewable Energy Policy landscape together. We condensed our insights on financing, policy and tariffs into policy brief to inform policymakers on gaps and opportunities on the Road towards 100 % Renewable Energies in Tanzania. Together with the Ministry for Energy we discussed our insights on how we have to shape a RE strategy that it can shape and enable Renewable Energy in Tanzania. We all agreed that an effective strategy need strong RE targets, based on cost-effective scenarios. Also, it was clear for all that a useful RE strategy has to go beyond electricity also addressing relevant sectors as e.g. clean cooking. Experts from different CSOs showcased the barriers and enablers for RE they found in their field work and research. Promoting and enable cost-reflective tariffs is important to create an environment that attract finance for RE at a large-scale. Investor only invest when they can be sure that they can recover their cost. If we enable them to charge what it cost for them to provide energy access, new investment can be attracted. Another way to reduce the risk for investors and mobilize more resources for RE are feasibility studies. Conducting feasibility studies can help to showcase how RE can work and to demonstrate clear business cases & opportunities. Investment comes when people see that and how it works. Accessible Feasibility studies can lower the upfront planning cost and efforts for RE in a region and therefore fast-track RE projects. Nonetheless a bottleneck in installation of RE at large-scale is the technical knowledge and expertise on the ground. Lack of qualified professionals to conduct the planning, installation and maintenance of RE facilities can inhibit new RE power projects. Therefore, a strengthening of human resource a learning instruction is mandatory for our vision of fast-tracking Renewable Energy. Beyond this strategic intervention a predictable and safe legal basis is needed to attract investor and new projects. Stakeholders call for a stand-alone Renewable Energy to strengthen the legal security and accountability. Many strategies aiming for enhancing RE in Tanzania have struggled in implementation because the where not sufficient backed up by policy. Tanzania has seen a number of ambitious initiatives around Renewables (e-g. SE4All-Strategy, BEST-Strategy) but struggle to realize it. Strong monitoring and clear accountability should set the basis for successful realization of a new RE strategy for Tanzania. We are thrilled to support the Ministry of Energy in co-developing a RE strategy for Tanzania. We hope this will set the foundation to gain energy access for all. We will keep working together to create a strong RE strategy embedded in an enabling policy environment.