Published: NOVEMBER 24, 2023
Stakeholders from state and non-state sectors met in Arusha, Tanzania as part of the preparations for Tanzania's participation in the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The Office of the Vice President in collaboration with CAN Tanzania, and with support from the World Bank (WB) and The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) co-hosted a Workshop for National Stakeholders to reflect and prepare Tanzania's National Position ahead of COP28 which will take place in United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 30th November to 12th December 2023.
The workshop which was held in Arusha from October 23 - 26, 2023, with a theme: "Scaling Up Climate Actions for Resilient Agriculture and Blue Economy", was comprised of two sessions, the technical working session from 23 - 25 October and the high-level session on 26th October 2023.
Giving opening remarks at the technical working session, the Executive Director of Climate Action Network Tanzania (CAN Tanzania), Dr. Sixbert Mwanga thanked the development partners and supporters (VPO, FCDO & WB) for their financial and technical backstopping support. He expressed gratitude to each participant for their attendance at the workshop, as well as to the secretariats (VPO and CAN Tanzania) for handling all the workshop logistics.
Officiating the workshop Director of Environment, Office of the Vice President, Dr. Paul Deogratias said “It is an opportunity for participants to reflect, discuss and comment on the country's position to enhance engagement at COP28 ”.
The workshop involved presentations and discussions on various COP28 relevant topics, including reflecting on COP27 achievements, challenges and then setting strategic plans towards COP28, making a detailed analysis of the topics to be presented and discussing the country's position.
The high-level meeting was held on day 4 of the workshop, which involved government leaders, experts and other stakeholders invited from Ministries, Public Organizations, Development Organizations, Private Sector, Non-Governmental Organizations and Civil Society Organizations. The day was Chaired by Ms. Mary Maganga Permanent Secretary Vice President's Office.
Giving her opening remarks, Ms. Mary expressed her gratitude to all the participants who attended the technical working session, and which has helped to shape national position.
Giving closing remarks, Dr. Shajak, PS, FVPO expressed his appreciation to all the participants from Permanent Secretaries, Development Partners, CSO, members from private sector and media for their engagement in this important meeting towards COP28. He emphasized how the 4 days were important to ensure adequate preparation towards COP28.