Strengthen and Promote Biodiversity Conservation Capacity and Climate Resilience Strategies of the Coastal Community in Pangani District

2024 - 2025

Through this project, CAN Tanzania intends to nurture and strengthen the coastal community's local biodiversity conservation and social integrity in two villages within the Pangani district. While the district has abundant coastal biodiversity and marine resources, management and advancement of sustainable utilization of these resources have remained a concern that should be addressed.

The project will employ the co-management approach, which allows communities to take an inclusive and participatory role in, owning, and managing the environment and natural resources in their community, including key biodiversity and critical habitats (mangroves and coral reefs), through locally-led actions and solutions that are primarily developed and implemented by communities.

Project Impact

What this project will achieve
Promoting conservation and management of coastal and marine biodiversity through locally led actions and solutions.
Facilitating BMUs in the targeted project villages to establish a beekeeping initiative to be set within the conserved mangrove forests
Enhancing gender-inclusive community's participation and engagement in the conservation and management of the environment and natural resources, particularly among women and youth, as women play critical roles in caring for natural resources based on their social-cultural roles and responsibilities
Facilitating and supporting communities in the restoration of mangrove and coastal forests, with the establishment of temporal and spatial no-take zones.
Regenerating 50 hectares of mangrove forests naturally in the project areas.
Restoration of 60 hectares of mangrove forests through replanting of mangrove saplings
Establishing one tree nursery (mangroves) with approximately 10,000 saplings

CAN on the field

Field photographs and videos

Photo after the project inception meeting at the Pangani District Executive Director's Office

Project inception meeting at Ushongo village

Project inception meeting at Msaraza village

Project Publications

Publications, Engagements, News and more
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