Published: MARCH 22, 2022 DOWNLOAD

New Study shows potential of indigenous knowledge

 New study on Climate Services in Tanzania conducted by the Climate Action Network Tanzania (CAN TZ) guides on the way-forward towards building climate resilience

Study on Climate Services in Tanzania

Climate change impact the livelihood of smallholders in Tanzania. Climate Services (CS) increase the climate resilience of communities. The study „Climate Services: Come in out of the rain “provide a realistic picture of the status of Climate Services in Tanzania to inform projects and polices on Climate Services. The study covers 4 districts (Bagamoyo, Chalinze, Pangani, Lushoto) in Tanzania.lnt communities.

The way to adaptation: Climate Services and Indigenous Knowledge on weather forecasting

Climate Services  (CS) increase the climate resilience of communities. The Access is still limited due to lack of ICT to receive CS via channels (TV & radio). It is recommended to increase access by disseminating CS via SMS-based systems. 

The awareness of Indigenous knowledge (IK) forecasting varied strongly between districts (33-% - 70 %). Indigenous knowledge  (IK) on weather forecasting can provide local climate information.  Integrating IK forecasts into CS can increase useability ( timely , area specific ,reliability CS ) of CS. By integrating IK in CS the climate resilience of community can be strengthened. Local IK on weather forecasting was found in the studied districts, nonetheless there is a threat for to disappear. Strategies and Polices to protect and conserve IK are needed. Access the full study here [Link full study. Access the Summary for Policymakers here [Link full doc]

The integration of indigenous knowledge (IK) into Climate
Services (CS) is key to get downscaled and useable forecasts. We need indigenous knowledge to cope with the impacts of climate change.” Mkombozi Joannes, Head of Research

 Key Recommendations

Easy Access

New easily accessible dissemination channels, (SMS & Community Radio)

Integrate IK

Integrate Indigenous knowledge (IK) to Climate Services (CS) to increase useability and downscaling

Conservate IK

Conservate, document and translon indigenous knowledge (IK) to prevent loss