Published: OCTOBER 26, 2022 DOWNLOAD

A new National Renewable Energy Strategy is under development. With the  Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) and CSOs we developed recommendations for the Minstry of Energy to reflect on in the development of the Strategy.   
This Brief is the outcome of an consultative process with CSOs at White Sands Hotel, Dar-Es-Salaam 18th -19th  August 2022 to inform the development of the National Renewable Energy Strategy.

The members of the Sustainable Energy Forum Tanzania (SEF) and consulted CSOs urge the Ministry of Energy to reflect on the recommendation of this Brief druing the process of developing the strategy.


  • The National Renewable Energy Strategy should be developed based on best-available knowledge and integrate best-practices
  • The National Renewable Energy Strategy should be co-developed and implemented together with diverse stakeholders including CSOs in a participatory inclusive approach 


  • Integrate feedback and validation mechanisms in the development including opportunities for CSO to review and comment the drafted strategy
  • Go Beyond Electricity: Integrate e.g., e-mobility, clean cooking and solar heating/ drying
  • Align with other strategies: Align e.g., with SE4All, BEST & national energy efficiency strategy
  • Define roles: define roles of different stakeholders including CSOs in development and implementation
  • Undertake capacity assessment: Assess e.g., capacity of LGA for feasibility studies
  • Establish robust and practical M & E: including baseline study, minimum RE targets, resource assessment
  • Highlight institutional implementation arrangement & timeframes: Establish steering committee
  • Address Renewable energy market systems: e.g., market chain, enabling environment
  • Address innovative financing mechanism: including financial incentives, financial instruments as GCF
  • Integrate Best-Practices: e.g., consumer rights, standards, international cooperation
  • Provide Roadmap and associated cost
  • Consider Cross-cutting issues: Gender, Climate, Environment & poverty alleviation
  • Align with global and regional strategies
  • Plan just transition:  integrate transition periods and mechanism to ensure just transition