Tanzania is highly affected by climate change and the consequences can be seen in all sectors. The Climate and Livelihood Research Center (CLRC) is going to address all different areas and connect them. We want to provide space for new and innovative thoughts. There is a need for an institution that links scientist with the communities and this is exactly the purpose of our center. It is going to represent CAN TZs ultimate goal, becoming the first Think-and-do tank in the country. We believe that together we can create a better and sustainable future.
The centre will help the organization to provide services to the community in more innovative pathways.
The publicizing of knowledge through training and teaching is crucial to ensure that research outcomes reach the ones benefit from the improvements that can be made. With the conducted research it is possible to implement model projects directly at the site. Moreover, researchers can work closely together and exchange their knowledge because the center is the focal point. Another important activity that is going to shape the center is networking. Networking is going to take place on many levels as there are going to be conferences, events and meetings.
The area of the CLRC is located about 85 km north-west of Dar es Salaam, about 5 km south from Kidomole Village and Bagamoyo-Msata-Road. The property covers about 45 ha. The research centre should include an administration office, a community hall, a library, laboratories, a guesthouse and several research fields for smart and climate resilient agriculture.
Image of the area of the CLRC