Nane Nane (Farmers Day) in Morogro: Time for innovation & sharing knowledge.
August 10, 2022
On Nane Nane (Farmers Day) in Morogoro, we presented innovation & best practices for climate action. We showcased an innovative solar cooking solution and our SMS-based Climate Service.
NEW POLICY BRIEF: Informing a RE Strategy to drive socio-economic development
August 10, 2022
Currently the Ministry of Energy in Tanzania started to develop Renewable Energy strategy. Developing a stand-alone Renewable energy strategy is elementary to tap the full potential of RE in Tanzania to catalyse a sustainable socio-economic development in Tanzania.
Text me to adapt: Up-to-date climate information for smallholders to adapt to climate impacts.
July 18, 2022
With a simple Short-Message-Services (SMS) climate information is shared to thousands of farmers, pastoralists and fisherfolks so they can make smart adaptation decision. In the week of July 09-16, we registered more than 900 smallholders in Bagamoyo, Chalinze and Lushoto to access SMS-based Integrated Climate Services from TMA and Indigenous Knowledge Experts
Research for Impact: Climate Action empowered by the Adaptation Research Alliance
May 26, 2022
The Climate Action Network Tanzania joined the Adaptation Research Alliance (ARA) .We are thrilled to be now member of a strong and diverse network for action-orientated research on adaptation. ARA envision transformative change in the way adaptation research is done.
May 23, 2022
New Baseline Data Assessment Report: Data unlock the potential to plan for the future. We assessed Data on RE in TZ to inform planing for 100 % RE. Learn more about challenges and recommondation for the RE sector in TZ.
POLICY RECOMMENDATION: Tap the potential of RE
May 19, 2022
RE has the potential to unlock cheap & accesable energy. We analysied Energy Sector Policy, Frameworks and Strategies and gave recommendations how to leaverage the potenital of RE in Tanzania.